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How Much Exercise Do You Need?

How Much Exercise Do You Really Need?

Exercise is important for your overall health and wellness. Most people understand that. However, how much exercise do you really need? And how often should you exercise? Most major health organizations agree with the following: For moderate intensity exercise, aim for 150 minutes per weekTry to break...

Change up your workout to avoid boredom

Switching Up Your Workout

Avoid Boredom by Changing Things Up If you work out regularly, it’s only natural that you’ll start to feel bored by your routine after a while. This can lead to decreased enthusiasm and make it more likely that you skip a day or two – and...


Five Fun Ways to Exercise Outside

Now that the weather is finally warming up for a lot of us, it’s a good time to think about getting outside and getting active. Exercising outdoors can be a fun change, especially when the spring first arrives and we get to leave the gym...


Getting Back Into a Spring Exercise Program

The cold winter weather is almost behind us and spring is on the way! We know that it’s only natural to huddle inside during the winter months and that it’s tempting to skip workouts and overindulge in comfort food when it’s cold and dark outside....


How Much Exercise Do You Need?

Everybody knows that exercise is crucial to living a long and healthy life, but how much exercise do you actually need? The general guideline is 30 minutes a day at least five days a week. But does that work for every person? And what type of...

Too busy to exercise

Finding the Time to Get in Shape

It’s a common issue that we hear from many people: “I just don’t have the time to exercise!” That’s understandable. We all have busy lives. However, just because you don’t have a lot of time, it doesn’t mean that you still can’t get in shape....

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Exercise Helps you Live Longer

There are a number of reasons to exercise regularly. However, the best one could just be the fact that exercise helps you live longer. It’s true! A study published in PLoS Medicine found that 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week can add an extra 3.4 years to...

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How Exercise Helps you Sleep

There are a lot of benefits to getting enough sleep each night. From greater focus and improved memory to better health and less pain, there are many reasons to make sure that you get enough sleep each night. But did you know that exercise can...

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Beating the Winter Blues with Fitness

During this time of year, many people start feeling down. The days are shorter and colder. There is less sunlight and that means less time spent outside. Plus, there’s the stress of the holiday season to deal with. It’s quite common to experience sadness, sluggishness,...

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Exercise Tips for Seniors

Staying in shape as you get older is important. There are a number of benefits to getting regular exercise for seniors. It helps prevent bone loss, improves balance and coordination and reduces the risk of many diseases. Regular exercise also improves your mood and your...

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Five Tips for a Happy and Healthy Fall

The fall is here! That means shorter days and cooler temperature, but it also means leaves changing colour, delicious fall foods and plenty of fall events. However, a lot of fall events are based on food (Thanksgiving and Halloween come to mind) so it can...