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Finsihing off ‘Keeping it Simple”

Finsihing off ‘Keeping it Simple”

Last time we went over Nutrition  and Cardio Training as the first 2 tips for “Keeping it Simple” . We will now go over the last 3 steps that will help inform you all the variables to help you reach your fitness goals!

3. Resistance Training
This key component will help you become a lean, mean optimum performing machine. Increasing muscle density will increase your metabolism, thus decreasing body fat. Increases in strength does not equal increases in size. Everyone, including women, needs to incorporate integrated strength training into their routines.

A. Balance
I. Improves functional, or everyday performance.

B. Coordination
I. Keeps communication between mind and body movement strong.
II. Core (stabilization) training prevents injury and improves strength performance.

C. Flexibility
I. Ensures muscles contract efficiently, maximizing results.
II. Helps to improve other aspects of fitness programing (increases speed, decreases weight, increases strength

D. Strength
I. Increases metabolism, thus decreasing body fat
II. Creates not only muscular looks, but also “toned” look or definition.

4. Rest
Stress and over training can lead to injury or halt progress. By creating a progressive program, you can methodically train while allowing for proper recovery.

A. Rest Day
I. Take one day off a week from working out
II. Allow for 48 hour recovery time after lifting routine (per muscle group)

B. Sleep
I. Make sure to get 6-8 hours of restful REM sleep to ensure full recovery

C. Cheat Day
I. Decreases the feeling of deprivation that often sabotages a fitness program.
II. Balance and moderation is key as over indulgence will halt success.

5. Education
Knowledge is power. By understanding the basics, you will master the essential skills it takes to be successful in achieving your fitness goal. Education is also an incredible motivator.

A. Form
I. Provides an understanding of body movement and helps you to achieve perfect form.

B. Progression
I. Provides you with the knowhow to advance through platues