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Pet-xercise: working out with your dog or cat

Who is a bigger couch potato: you, or your pet? The obesity epidemic among North Americans doesn’t stop at humans — our pets are getting pudgy, too. Fitness companies have even started targeting pets with exercise classes and equipment like mini treadmills. Luckily, getting your pet in shape is...

Couple’s fitness makes exercise fun

While the idea of couple’s fitness may conjure images of a cheesy montage straight from a romantic movie, it is actually a great way to spend time together and increase a couple’s bond. Not to mention it can make an otherwise bland workout fun. A...

How tired is too tired, post-workout?

How much exhaustion is normal? In this blog, I have often addressed the issues of over-exhaustion and over-exertion, warning not to overdo workouts to these points. I have also touched on staying motivated enough to push yourself to finish a workout. One thing I haven’t yet...

How and when to plan recovery breaks

When involved in an exercise regime, most people’s primary concern is how to make time for fitness, when they are going to exercise and for how long. Many don’t think about another important factor – when and how to take smart recovery breaks. Our bodies need...

How to: prevent running injuries

With studies showing that approximately one third of runners get hurt each year, it’s important that runners and aspiring runners take the proper steps to avoid injuries before hitting the pavement. The most important step to take to prevent getting hurt is simple: preparation. Although it...

On staying motivated

When you ask anyone what their biggest issue with regular exercise is, most will say it is getting (and staying) motivated. How many times have you seen someone join a gym and go everyday for two weeks before stopping entirely? Or start a running program for...

Tips for hot weather exercise

Four crucial tips for hot weather exercise

When hot weather hits, there is nothing better than lounging outside in the hot sun. Unfortunately, there are few things worse than exercising outside in the hot sun, and many people’s fitness routines are dependant on the outdoors. Foregoing exercise whenever the weather gets too...

Walking breaks result in no pain… but plenty of gain!

When you think of running, do you imagine bounding along effortlessly with the wind in your hair, muscles gleaming? In reality are you soaked in sweat and puffing for air after fifteen minutes, needing to stop and rest or give up? Many may feel intimidated...


Many people aren’t getting the recommended eight hours of sleep every night, which is in turn affecting everything from memory function to emotional well-being. In fact, according to recent data from Stats Canada, approximately half of Canadians have decreased their sleep hours in attempt to...

Weight lifting: anyone can do it!

Although it is commonly believed that struggling with heavy weights is the best way to build muscle and get stronger, recent research suggests that you don’t need to lift that daunting, meant-for-Hercules barbell in order to efficiently increase muscle mass; in fact, lifting lighter weights...


Awhile back I read Stephen Covey’s book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Mr. Covey lays out seven very effective ways that, when implemented, will change one’s life. It’s been a very popular book in the business world. But, why stop there? Can we employ these to other facets...