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Workout Plateau

Workout Plateau

Q. I’ve been stuck at the same weights and repetitions at the gym for four weeks and it’s driving me nuts. My personal trainer tells me I’m doing the right exercises, and encourages me to stick with it but I’m just not seeing any changes. What can I do to break this plateau?

A. Slow down-Changing the tempo of your repetitions can help you challenge your muscles in different ways. Changing the speed of your movements during a set will also keep your mind focused on what you are doing. Try making the first phase (raising) of the movement normal speed then the second phase (lowering) at half speed, do Buy Levitra Super Active+ two reps at normal speed then slow it down for two, add in an isometric hold (keep in same position without movement for a few seconds), also try adding in pulses at the end of the set. By changing things up you can make the same old exercise more interesting, and also engage different parts of  the muscle which will increase your progress.